Sunday, October 4, 2015

Scott's LDS General Conference Real-Time Notes: Sunday AM

There are a lot of cute girls in this apartment. I cannot count the number of stupid jokes I've already said. Thank you for saving my scenario, Dieter F. Uchtdorf.
Don't worry, it's not like they're gonna read this.
"Redeemer of Israel." Another one ranked among the most sung at Conference.
"If the Savior Stood Beside Me." Is this a children's hymn? It almost exactly rhymes with Father John Misty's "When You're Smiling and Astride Me." Not the most appropriate reference, but it's true... Ah, this is a children's hymn. And a really pretty one, at that.
President Thomas S. Monson
Be an example in word and in conversation. Coarse language has become a norm. Speak with vulnerability and kindness.
Be an example of charity, the pure love of Christ.
Faith and doubt cannot exist at the same time, for one will dispel the other.
Purity (in mind, body and spirit) will give us peace of mind.
We are different because (among other things) we won't adhere to demeaning media or humor.
His voice is going.
I think he's leaning on the podium. His head is now an entire foot lower than when he started speaking. Suddenly, this talk is dramatic.
Elder Ronald A. Rasband
He cites his testimony to his mother teaching him at childhood.
Elder Gary E. Stevenson
... aka"The Young One"
He looks like all of my dad's siblings wrapped into one person.

Oh, he said "distinct impression," not "de-stinkin'-pression."
Just been informed he quoted Preach My Gospel verbatim. I clearly wasn't paying attention.
Elder Dale G. Renlund
Interesting to hear him talk about "emotional distance" as a cardiologist.
To effectively serve others, we must see them through a parents' eyes; through Heavenly Father's eyes. This will open our hearts to their disappointments and fears.
"How Firm a Foundation." Sign language singing for the win!
President Russell M. Nelson
Everybody misses the 3 Apostles who passed recently. I think it's created a more somber tone from the Quorum this Conference.
This dispensation is distinct from any other. It has a lot to do with the church's covenant women.
We need women with a testimony and sense for family, standing out in this "sin-sick" world.
After 3 deaths within the same family, he almost gave up being a heart surgeon. His wife woke him up the next morning and told him to get up, get dressed, get to work.
"We need women" ... "who can detect deception in all of its forms." A personal favorite quality.
Gregory A. Schwitzer 
Comparing communication to musical instruments... ooh...
"True disciples represent the Lord when it may not be convenient to do so."
The Plan of Happiness happens through the family unit.
Claudio R.M. Costa
Mentions teaching his children and learning from his parents.
He talks as though he watched the Atonement take place. I guess, in a way, we all did, from the pre-mortal view. And I guess that's why the sacrament prayers remind us to "always remember Him," or perhaps remember that event. How could we remember something we didn't witness?
I've always recognized Elder Costa's passionate approach to speaking.
"There Is Sunshine in My Soul Today."
President Henry B. Eyring
"The companionship of the Holy Ghost makes the 'good' seem more attractive and temptation less compelling."
"We need the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost to spare us moments of doubt."
You can tell that an impression is of the Holy Ghost when what it teaches is square with what the Savior teaches.
"Only through the Holy Ghost can we see people and their gifts as God sees them."
When we accept the promise "always have His Spirit" to be with us, the Savior grants us the purification required ("sanctification") to enter the Kingdom of God.
The Spirit will "enlighten your mind and fill your soul with joy."
"The Spirit of God." Solo! Solo! This is only the 2nd time they've ever done this in conference! A new guy pops up every 8 measures... I always pronounce the title of this song in Elder Jackson's cowboy accent: "Spiritta Gahd!"

President Eyring
*Seeing people in God's eyes
*Dangers of sin (theme from last night's session)
Gregory A. Schwitzer

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