Monday, June 9, 2014

Coming To Terms With Twitter

I hate twitter. The only reason I have an account at all is because my media smarts class in the PR dept made me do it. For months, I was spending an average 0 minutes per day on twitter. As of recently, I've vamped it up 5 minutes a day.
I know what you're thinking: Congratu-freaking-lations.
But really, I feel like I finally found a good use for twitter now.
I believe that each form of social networking is can be related to a real-life social event. Facebook is like walking on campus, or some fun community gathering. Linkedin is like a business meeting. Tumblr = drunkenness. Twitter is like going to a dance.
I hate going to dances. (Usually.) It's crowded. It's full of dudes trying to score make-out sessions (more or less), the lighting is cool yet diseased (thank you Dan Bejar) and I won't say anything about music. I feel like half the dances I go to are spent with me questioning my existence & the meaning of life whilst watching adrenaline-packed kidzzz use all their energy on hormonal ecstasy. Twitter is like this. Just a feed of spat-out comments, unconsciously scattered around.
As for the other half of dances I go to, I turn into James Murphy.
Nothing I say makes sense. But I say a lot. And I say it really loud. 
I spend plenty of time on facebook (too much, honestly) but I try to make it either entertaining or even productive. Now, whenever I have a brief, senseless, clever, goofy thought throughout the day, I get on twitter, tweet it, and get off. (That was a run-on sentence.) I've been posting on twitter multiple times a day with only being on their for about 5 minutes a day. 
They say you should keep a journal. If I have anything spiritual, inspirational or significant to say, I either use my blog or say so (believe it or not) in real life! I am using twitter as a personal journal of things that are far from important. Because I ought to get them off my chest and these thoughts are rarely comprehensible or circumstantially relevant. (Or actually that funny.)
Follow me @scottehall3 ...I over-use the terms "wowza," "sha-booya" and "but on the bright side, I live in America."


  1. I disagree. Linkedin is more like one of those buy-something-at-my-house parties. The whole time you're there someone's trying to sell you something, but it's supposed to be a social activity. But on the bright side, you live in America.
