Saturday, October 3, 2015

Scott's LDS General Conference Real-Time Notes: Saturday AM

When are they gonna do it???
"Guide Us, O Thou Great Jehovah!" Brother Heberman was right, they do sing it at Conference a lot. It's one of my top 10 personal favorites. I always imagine it being sung by Elder Mori in his Japanese accent.
Friendly reminder: Pray for the families of those who have died.
"I Know My Savior Loves Me." First time I heard it was at General Conference 5 years ago. I was on my mission. Beautiful children's hymn.
President Dieter F. Uchtdorf
President Uchtdorf responds to illness the same way I do. Internet > Doctors
"Why does (the Gospel) seem to work better for some than for others?"
--Are we making discipleship too complicated?
Sometimes we complicate things with man-made "good ideas, programs and expectations" that make us lose sight of the purity and plainness of the Gospel. "Living the Gosepl doesn't need to be complicated." Advice: Simplify your road to discipleship.
--Start where you are.
Thought he was gonna say "All You Need Is Love" for a second there...
Satan tempts us to not even try to progress. God sees us as who we can become.
SIMPLIFY CHRIST, "It works wonderfully, would you like to know more?
Deiter F. Uchtdorf strikes again!
Elder M. Russel Ballard 
M. Russel Ballard: The Apostle everybody's gone fishing with when they were 5.
Elder McKenzie always said Elder Richard G. Scott reminded him of Santa Claus...
"Hello little one. What will you become throught the Atonement of Christ?"
Sharing your testimony should be brief and not a speech.
Richard J. Maynes
Can Van Mission, spendin' the day with Richard J!
He says he's from a "multi-cultural LDS family." Like, what, Utah and Idaho?
Keep your clay in the center! (God is the potter)
He's married to a convert to the church...
"We Thank Thee O God, for a Prophet." Of course.
Neill F. Marriot
The South will rise again!
"Still" is apparently a 2-syllable word pronounced "stiy-ell."
Part of me thinks President Uchtodorf can't understand half of what she's saying...
Her family motto: "It will all work out." Consider that in an eternal perspective.
To have a faithful heart, we must "allow it to break" before the Lord.
It is a mortal desire to have things our way.
All jokes aside, this is a deep, heartfelt talk.
Larry R. Lawrence
The Holy Ghost gives honest, customized counsel.
Whether it's cleaning up your room or cleaning up your act, this talk makes me think that all those tiny little good ideas that come to my mind en passe are spiritually driven.
^THEY ARE. Sometimes these are funny little things, but if it's true, it's true.
Sometimes we need to ask the Lord what we're doing wrong/right.
Francisco J. Vinas
If anything, this guy has a calming voice. And he's straight-up doctrine.
Apparently he's like Belen Moyano's grampa.
"Precious Savior, Dear Redeemer." Oh gosh, Elder Holt had the worst version of this song on some hymns CD... Elder Funk remembers.
Elder Quentin L. Cook
--Righteous self-control and conduct.
Self-control is like a muscle: The more you use it, the better it gets. President Hinckley said the same thing about faith and even flexed his arm when he said it, which is still a funny image.
Whoa! Wait, what's 230,000 divided by 5?
--Honoring the Sabbath will increase righteousness and bring protection to the family.
--Divine protections are provided when we are righteous.
"Come, Come Ye Saints." Always reminds me of Earl Ray quoting it in his cowboy accent: "And if we die... happy day!"

(tie) Larry R. Lawrence + President Uchtdorf
*The Atonement
*The Gospel is simple
*Keep the Sabbath day holy
Neill F. Marriott

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